SIX BlockChain Startup Fund is a funding program proposing to nurtue digital ecosystem in the creative industry. The program estabilshed by the strong purpose to accelerate the digital economy reinventing speed.

What we are looking for?
The most suitable player is a startup who has a character in this following criteria.
Program Value Proposition
For the greater good of the entire ecosystem. Basically, the program will give directly value to 4 main areas which include
Our teams
SIX Blockchain Startup Fund will be managed by hands-on startup investment experiences team. Likewise, the team will be led by The Venture Partner of 500 Tuktuks and the Co-CEO. of SIX Network, Moo Natavudh. (The 500 Startups is the best Seed Stage funding program in the world from Silicon Valley.)
Be a part of our future
Submit your pitching deck to us via this email “[email protected]””
Join our program, as we help startup become a real impact maker.
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